Bienenstich Kuchen

A gallon of milk is now one trillion marks. I am struggling to make ends meet. All the luxuries I enjoyed before like Bienenstich Kuchen only remain a fond memory and constantly worried that I will not be able to take care of myself in this foreign land. Speakeasies and bars will hire me to do Jazz even though I am a trained classical musician. My skin and my features pay my bills. I used to secretly judge Polla for her work, but I realized I am the same as her. I came to Berlin to perform with Berlin philharmonic Orchestra, but I have settled to perform in speakeasies and clubs because they want an exotic black woman to perform jazz music. I am currently 23 years old, and I am very worried about my future in Germany Inflation is making its way through the papier mark and things don not look so good for Germany, there are twice the amount of people on the streets begging and industrial workers are protesting. On January 1923, I decided to pick up a part tie job as a barista. It was a hard decision to make because it wasn’t in my plans, but I knew I needed to do it to ensure my survival. My boss is nice and lets me have extra hours. I make one trillion marks a week. Although my financial situation is not the best, I am managing the money the best that I can. I don’t know how long Germany is going to be in this predicament with hyperinflation but I hope everything goes back to normal so I can have my Bienenstich Kuchen.